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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments use your body’s own healing properties to renew and revitalize your skin. Unlike other procedures which use harsh chemicals foreign to the body, PRP utilizes the natural healing properties found within your blood to increase localized circulation and stimulate collagen and elastin resulting in firmer, smoother, more even-toned skin.


PRP allows you to harness the body’s healing powers to dramatically improve the appearance of your skin in a safe, non-invasive manner and refresh and rejuvenate your skin… naturally.



The PRP Facial treats the overall appearance of the skin by reducing fine lines and redness and improving tone, elasticity, and firmness. This treatment includes a generalized application of the PRP serum over the face and/or neck and décolletage and will revitalize and refresh your skin.



Targeted PRP injections aim to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and other specific skin problems by injecting the PRP serum into a localized area. This results in increased blood flow, increases in collagen and elastin, and improved cell regeneration specifically in the desired area. See problem spots reduced or erased with just a few treatments.


Frequently Asked Questions

What does the procedure entail?

Depending on which type of PRP procedure you choose, there will be several steps to each treatment, including a blood draw and isolation of the PRP serum, microneedling to encourage cell regeneration and help the PRP absorb effectively, and either localized injection or application of the PRP to a generalized area.


How long does it take to see results?

Most people see improvement after the first treatment, but 2-4 treatments are recommended to obtain full and lasting results. Acne scarring and stretch marks may take 4-8 treatments to experience maximal improvement.


Are there side effects or required down time?

One of the best parts about PRP treatments is that because it comes from your own body, the chances of experiencing side effects is greatly reduced. Most patients are able to return to regular activities immediately after the procedure, although you may experience facial redness and/or mild swelling for 12 to 72 hours, depending on the size of the area treated.


PRP and Therapy can aid in the treatment of:

  • Aging Skin – including wrinkles and lines

  • Sun damage

  • Loss of elasticity and firmness

  • Acne scarring

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Rosacea

  • Stretch marks

  • Under-eye circles

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Does the procedure hurt?

The treatments cause very minimal discomfort. The microneedling procedure uses needles very similar in size to acupuncture needles. Technicians may also use a topical anaesthetic cream to render the treatments virtually pain-free.


How often can I have it done?

Treatments can be done every 4 weeks to 6 months, After the 2-4 recommended initial treatments, touch-ups can be performed yearly or as needed.


How can I schedule an appointment?

All patients will have an initial consultation with their clinician prior to their PRP procedure, in which you will discuss your treatment goals, pre- and post-care, and any follow-up that may be needed. Appointments can be booked by calling 808-887-2020.

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